Monday, June 15, 2009

Power of your environment - the key to lasting change

After studying psychology, success in various areas, I've noticed a few patterns. In the area of self help, psychology, success, there are few individuals:

1. Like the idea, toy around with it, then stop after a while
2. Hobbyists
3. Hardcore people who actively work at it, achieving success to levels

1 & 2 are propelled by different emotional mechanisms, different levels of leverage, while 3 are probably people who lacked that level of self esteem, achievement, validation, approval as kids. These are usually the people that you hear about on TV & the news -> rockstar, actor, businessman, politician, doctor, lawyer, etc. Either they were deprived, abused, neglected, didn't fit in, or constantly put down. However, sometimes you have people who are "on their paths". They are in category 3, not because of a lack, but because of abundance. They are doing exactly what they were put on this earth to do (Tiger Woods, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Kobe Bryant, & even everyday people we don't hear about & so on).

After a while, the individual says to himself, "Enough with this bullshit. I've had enough. I know I can do it, I'm in the wrong environment, with the wrong people."

1. There must be an emotional breaking point. A point where a person says, "I've had enough. I'm going to do whatever it takes to get XYZ". Emotional leverage. Either in weight, relationships, business/finance, career, etc.
2. They'll usually go to a seminar where likeminded individuals go. Pay a lot of money for information.
3. Afterwards, they're pumped, ready to get on the path towards success.

The key to all of this is 1. Taking action, & 2. Monitoring your environment so that they sustain the emotional leverage/motivation that propelled you to make change in your life in the first place. For example, usually after summer camp, kids will come home & be excited that they got a chance to get out of their old, environment & interact with kids who have different realities, hopefully more abundant mindsets. But then they come home back to their old paradigms. If they don't consciously strive to improve their surroundings, thoughts, etc. Before you know it, they'll be back in their same patterns all over again. Spending a summer with the "A" students, I learned that they have a system for their success, so I replicated their success, took it home with me. But I had to constantly apply what I had learned from that summer, otherwise I would not be where I am today. For example, setting aside time to read every day, planning, executing.

Reasons why people don't grow, evolve
1. Complacency - achieve some level of success, but then don't continue, or are happy where they are, when they could go so much furtheer
2. Lazy - sounds great, but don't want to put in the time, or effort to achieve what they want. They don't have emotional leverage.
3. Fear/guilt - see below.
4. Misalignment - between their desires/aspirations, their beliefs about themselves, the world governed either by fear or guilt, or a combination of both.

So the key is to consciously apply these principles to your thoughts, beliefs, values, words, actions, to make sure they are in alignment, & to actively seek to surround yourself with people who share the same/better mindsets as you currently have, or would like to have.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Preparing for the Day

Hey guys - today I want to talk about preparation. There's a saying that winners - plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win. So, in order to make the most out of each day - making each day your masterpiece - here's what I personally do.

Night before 1. Think about all the things I want to accomplish tomorrow & rank them in order of priority
2. Write it down, to the tiniest detail. What time you're going to wake up, eat, work, workout, relax, hangout, etc.
Day of (1st hour): 1. Wake up energetic, feeling like something good is going to happen today. Expect it.
2. Breathe
3. Drink water
4. Light workout
5. Good breakfast
6. Read something spiritual
7. Create something of value to someone else - article, post, blog, etc.
8. Choose to make the day a masterpiece regardless of what happens.

Then I go about my day - keep up w/ the financials, writing, creating, brainstorming, etc. I usually work for 1-2 hours, take a break - food/exercise/random errands, & then get back to work. I also take some time to meditate, reflect/think on my past/current/future situation, & make plans accordingly.

Things I do when I'm down & out.
1. Recognize it immediately & get myself out of it, into a higher state.
2. Take a deep breath - accept it, then let it go
3. Visualize the outcome I want, reaffirm that this is the right way, the path.
4. Trust in myself, and in a Higher Source.
5. Get back to my path/purpose, source.
6. Understand that the pressures/expectations are self-imposed, & constructs of society. I take what works from these constructs & apply them in my daily life, but I don't let them dictate how I view myself, the world, etc.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Take up a swimming workout during the summer

Hey guys - it's hot down here where I live, reaches 100+ degrees F in the summer. I'm used to running in cooler temperatures, & for the past few months have literally had to wait until 7 pm, for everything to cool down to start my run. However, was driving the other day & drove past a pool in the neighborhood. Not one that's for kids to play, but an actual Olympic-sized pool to workout in. So I signed up & now my workouts consist of swimming, running, & weight lifting during the summers. It's a lot cooler, a lot more refreshing, more bearable, & a better workout (from what I hear) for your joints, calorie expenditure, etc. So give it a try. If it's too hot, go to your local swimming pool & work out there. That's the beauty of adaptability & flexibility.

Until next time!