Thursday, May 28, 2009

Reality-shattering, perspective altering, life changing books

Hey guys - back again. Over the break, I read some outstanding pieces of work. Work that challenged, changed my current perception of reality, how we view things as a society. They are as follows:

1. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man - by John Perkins. I actually came by this book on "accident" browsing the shelves at the local bookstore. The title sort of jumped out at me, so I started reading it. Fascinating stuff. Real life autobiography talks about the experiences of an economic hit man (EHM) - a modern James Bond. EHMs are basically employed by the corporatocracy, consisting of HUGE corporations, governments, & banks, basically trying to take over the world. Imperialism. Together, they employ these people to go to developing countries with MASSIVE natural resources - oil, etc. Try & strike out deals that are favorable to the local governments. Huge payouts to the local politicians. If they refuse, any means necessary are used to take them out of power - bribes, death, scandal, murder. The deals consist of HUGE contracts for US corporations to go in & build infrastructure. In return, the country gets placed into massive debt that they can't repay & make the countries obligated to the United States - which they then usually repay by giving us cheap oil. The corporations then go in, employ slave labor, destroy the natural environment. All in the name of greed, profits, control, power. Also, discusses how the government & corporations control the media to feed the public misinformation, disinformation, or omits information, which is why we always hear on the news (which I stopped watching years ago), about this shooting, that shooting, but never real tangible, applicable facts. Gives examples from Venezuela, Guatemala, Panama City, Saudi Arabia, Iraq. And also details the consequences of foreign governments if they fail to cooperate, usually ending in puppet governments, jackals, & invasion - like we did in Iraq. Fantastic read.

2. Grunch of Giants - by R. Buckminster Fuller. Dr. Fuller was a futurist, so he talks about how governments, corporations, and the rich legally steal from everybody else, by 1. The use of entities, 2. Printing their own money, 3. Making the rules so that they make money, no matter what. A bit difficult to read, but I got the general ideas, which shattered by reality.

3. Creature from Jekyll Island - Dr. Edward Griffin. Talks about the Federal Reserve & the Central Banks. Basically the Federal Reserve & the Central Banks are a cartel, who work with the governments to control the monetary supply & policy. Describes the formation, their motives, objectives. Tells the REAL truth about money - what it is, how it works. How the Federal Reserve has the right to print as much money as it wants (not backed by anything, but the reputation of the United States) & the Mandrake Mechanism (basically how the banks legally "print" their own money, by collecting interest on loans on money they don't have). Outstanding.

Stay tuned!

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