Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Preparing for the Day

Hey guys - today I want to talk about preparation. There's a saying that winners - plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win. So, in order to make the most out of each day - making each day your masterpiece - here's what I personally do.

Night before 1. Think about all the things I want to accomplish tomorrow & rank them in order of priority
2. Write it down, to the tiniest detail. What time you're going to wake up, eat, work, workout, relax, hangout, etc.
Day of (1st hour): 1. Wake up energetic, feeling like something good is going to happen today. Expect it.
2. Breathe
3. Drink water
4. Light workout
5. Good breakfast
6. Read something spiritual
7. Create something of value to someone else - article, post, blog, etc.
8. Choose to make the day a masterpiece regardless of what happens.

Then I go about my day - keep up w/ the financials, writing, creating, brainstorming, etc. I usually work for 1-2 hours, take a break - food/exercise/random errands, & then get back to work. I also take some time to meditate, reflect/think on my past/current/future situation, & make plans accordingly.

Things I do when I'm down & out.
1. Recognize it immediately & get myself out of it, into a higher state.
2. Take a deep breath - accept it, then let it go
3. Visualize the outcome I want, reaffirm that this is the right way, the path.
4. Trust in myself, and in a Higher Source.
5. Get back to my path/purpose, source.
6. Understand that the pressures/expectations are self-imposed, & constructs of society. I take what works from these constructs & apply them in my daily life, but I don't let them dictate how I view myself, the world, etc.

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