Hey guys - great book. The book is written by Glenn Reynolds, who writes on his blog Instapundit.Com. Written in 2006, the book is truly a glimpse into the future.
He starts out by describing the Hunter-Gatherer Age, then progresses into the Agrarian Age, Industrial Age, & into the Information Revolution. He describes the various economic, political, social factors contributing to the transformations.
Citing numerous examples where ordinary people are taking power away from Big Government, Corporations, & the media - from "viral" word of mouth/texting, tribes, easy creation of digital media through YouTube, MovieMaker, GarageBand.Com, to blogs taking over poor media coverage of Iraq, Reynolds illustrates how the "little guy" and "ordinary people" are taking down Big Goliath. He then goes on to describe the future of nanotechnology, space travel, & the singularity. This book is truly ahead of its time & a glimpse of what is in store for us in the future.
I love it when the little guy wins.